Holiday Egg Nog

Just in time for Thanksgiving, Lynnette shared Ben's Holiday Egg Nog recipe with me. I believe it may have originated with a Martha Stewart recipe with his little tweaks. I don't even like egg nog, but it sounded like it might be good. It's a good recipe (a little on the strong side per my brother and that is saying something) but definitely needs to be labeled for ADULTS ONLY!
2 cups sugar
1 qt. half and half
1 qt. heavy whipping cream
1 qt. egg beaters
dash of salt
Ground nutmeg
1 cup rum
1 cup good bourbon 
1/2 cup brandy
1/2 cup moon shine or PGA (Pure grain alcohol) 

In a large bowl, add sugar, half and half and heavy whipping cream. Whisk together until the sugar is dissolved. Add egg beaters and salt; blend well. Lastly, add the liquors and blend. Pour into a gallon container and keep refrigerated until you are ready to drink. Top with a little ground nutmeg.


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