Bacon Wrapped Chicken Thighs

The marriage of chicken and bacon is one that is pretty hard to beat. The firmness of the cooked bacon on the outer layer with the tender bite of chicken inside make this a feast for your mouth! You can find numerous recipes everywhere on the internet featuring bacon-wrapped chicken breasts that are rolled in brown sugar. I'm sure they are awesome. However, they lose me at rolling the meat in sugar. Do we not have enough of that in our diets already?
If you have read any of my chicken recipes, you know we are thigh lovers, so when I found this one, I tucked it away to use when I had some left-over bacon (What's that? I know, right!). The meat is so much more flavorful and moist. We do have family members who don't share our love, so please substitute with white meat if that is your preference. Normally we use thick cut bacon and the timing worked out just fine...crispy out, done, yet moist in.

These are super-easy to fix and is one recipe you'll go back to time and time again.

Pack of 5 large or 8 medium boneless skinless chicken thighs with fat trimmed
*If they are huge, cut in 1/2 like we did these
1 slice of bacon per piece of chicken
Smoked Paprika, garlic salt with parsley, salt & pepper

  1. Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil to make your clean-up a little easier.
  2. Season both sides of the chicken with the smoke paprika, salt and pepper
  3. Wrap each piece with a slice of bacon
  4. Lightly season with garlic salt with parsley
  5. Bake for about 25 minutes or until bacon is crispy and chicken is done
    (check internal temperature -- 165 degrees)


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