German Cucumber Salad

Who doesn't love Pinterest? Oh my goodness! I have so many things pinned I want to cook, fix, get my husband to make for me...I'm dangerous if I have free time on my hands.

Spring is here and before you know it, it'll be time to get the garden planted. Andy set out some sweet onions but the crazy weather has held him back on doing anything else. This past fall he went to the local Extension office and requested a soil testing kit. Hopefully their recommendations will improve not only our garden but our blackberry, blueberry and raspberry bushes too.

I can't wait until we have fresh, home-grown tomatoes and cucumbers. We love to eat them and flavor them with an assortment of dressings so we don't feel like we're eating the same thing over and over.

This recipe showed up in my "Picked for You" Pinterest feed and we loved it. I served it with a pork loin cooked in the crock pot and a baked sweet potato. Those three flavor profiles paired very well together.

3 small peeled cucumbers (5 if they're really small)
1 small sweet onion
3-4 small Roma tomatoes

Thinly slice the above vegetables. I like to separate the tomatoes and cucumbers and sprinkle salt over them and let them sit for about 30 minutes or more. This draws out the excess water.  I think the vegetables are much better adding this extra step. While these are sitting, in a bowl whisk the following ingredients.

1/3 cup sour cream
1/4 tsp. Deli mustard (spicy brown)
1 Tbsp. white vinegar
2 Tbsp. milk
1/2 to 1 tbsp. dill weed (if fresh, 2 Tbsp.)
 Salt and pepper to taste

Drain the water off the tomatoes and cucumbers and mix them and the onions in the dressing. Refrigerate for a couple of hours before serving.

I'd love to give credit where credit is due, but the pin only linked back to this graphic. So, if you are the owner, email me and I'll update the link.


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