My Favorite Biscuit Recipe

Bowl lined with a blue, yellow and green towel full of browned biscuits

If you have followed Man, That Stuff is Good! since 2012 on the blog or through my Facebook page, you have heard me mention numerous times that I am not a baker. I try, and sometimes succeed, but I'm missing the gene that creates sky high meringues, pretty cakes and perfect shaped cookies.

Regardless of how they look, they usually taste good so all is forgiven. Just don't expect to any blue ribbon hanging from one of my cakes or pies.

By now you have already seen my recipe for easy biscuits. They are perfect when you are smothering them with white gravy, chocolate gravy, sausage gravy or fried corn. They are sturdy and hold up well under a bath of whatever you want to smother them with.

This is another simple recipe for biscuits that have the perfect texture and are great with gravy, melted butter and honey or a slice of sausage between them.

4 cups of self-rising flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
2/3 cup butter
2 cups of buttermilk
Additional butter to melt and brush on tops.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
In a large bowl mix the dry ingredients with a fork.
Silver fork cutting tabs of butter into flour in a glass bowl
Cut in the butter with a fork or, if you have one of these handy PC chopping tools, use that. If you don't have one, order one the next party that gets started up. They are one of the best, most used tools we have in the kitchen.
Glass bowl full of flour and butter with a black chopping tool.
  Once the butter has been reduced to crumbles, add milk and work into flour mixture until blended. (May be a little sticky.) Flour the surface you are working on and gently roll out the dough to about 3/4" thick.
Rolled out dough on a floured surface.
 Cut out biscuits with a biscuit cutter.
Cutting biscuits with a yellow biscuit cutter
I use the small circle when I use the Easy Biscuit recipe and the large side for this one. There is no telling how old this Tupperware biscuit cutter is. I was trying to remember what year it came into my possession. 1982-83 is when I am guessing. Way back then I made a huge batch of homemade biscuits every weekend and froze what we would eat for the week. I'd take out what I needed every morning, pop them in the toaster oven and they'd be ready in no time.
Place biscuits on an ungreased baking sheet. Brush the tops with melted butter. Bake in the oven until they are a nice golden brown. I like to keep them warm in a tea towel lined bowl until ready to eat.
 MMMMMmmmmm! Hot out of the oven and delicious! All you need is a little more butter and a drizzle of honey to make it perfect.


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