Cedar Plank Grilled Silver Salmon

We were fortunate to have an extended Christmas visit with my sister Dawn this year. An added bonus was all the salmon (fresh caught by my brother in law Don) and other Pacific Ocean goodies she shared with me. I have never considered myself to be a very picky eater. Typically, I will try foods several times to make sure I don't like them. When it came to salmon, I found it to be one of those foods I could take or leave. The few times I ate it in a restaurant, I was not impressed. The flavor was always too fishy for me. And you know how I feel about salmon patties if you've read this post.

When we visited Dawn and Don after they made the move to Alaska, I knew I had to give salmon another try. Don grilled some Silver and Sockeye salmon. Stop the presses! This is what it's all about. If it's farm raised. I am not having it! The difference in the taste was nothing like I had eaten previously.

Dawn sent me Don's grilling instructions and that was going to be the plan until I found some cedar grilling planks at a sporting goods store. Since I had several more fillets in the freezer, I thought, "Why not?"

I thawed one fillet that measured almost two feet long. Each plank measured 14" long and 5" wide. I soaked them in water in the side sink for well over an hour.

Andy fired up the grill and got the temperature to 300 degrees. While that was heating, I cut the fillet in half; brushed each piece with melted butter and seasoned with salt and pepper. Next came the two thinly sliced lemons I placed on top of the fillets.

Andy placed the thicker fillet in the back of the grill. We timed the cooking at 30 minutes. The edges of the fillets were starting to get brown and crispy and the meat was flaky.

Everyone began sampling as soon as I pulled as many of the bones out as I could. Two of the boys said it reminded them of eating steak.

We enjoyed leftover salmon with a salad the next day and may very well use what is left to try my hand a what is sure to be some delicious fried salmon patties that I would be willing to eat.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
From Our Family to Yours!


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